Ensuring digital trust through strong PKI solutions in Malaysia
Ensuring digital trust through strong PKI solutions in Malaysia
Since the introduction of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) in 1996, Malaysia has focused on establishing a framework for secure electronic transactions and the use of public key infrastructure (PKI) in the public sector.
Over 20 years later and the demand for PKI and digital trust solutions in both the private and public sectors in Malaysia has skyrocketed. Businesses are increasingly using these technologies to improve the security of transactions, reduce costs and enhance customer experiences.
Our PKI and digital signature solutions provide businesses and government agencies with a robust layer of security for online transactions and sensitive data. This helps protect against fraud, identity theft, and other cyber threats.
Ascertia’s solutions help improve transparency and promote digital trust by providing a secure and reliable way to verify the authenticity of documents and the identity of senders and recipients. This can help encourage more businesses and consumers to adopt digital channels for their transactions.
Our solutions can streamline a range of business processes, such as onboarding new clients, signing contracts, and managing digital identities. This can help to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.
Malaysia recognised the importance of establishing frameworks for digital trust early on, wanting to establish itself in the Information Age. This focus on creating a digital economy led to comprehensive frameworks governing the use of digital signatures and PKI.
*The laws represented are correct at the time of writing
Ascertia has emerged as the preferred choice for Malaysian government and businesses seeking robust digital trust solutions, digital signatures and PKI services. Ascertia’s comprehensive products and services, commitment to data security, and unwavering expertise have solidified our position as a trusted partner in Malaysia’s digital transformation journey.
Key factors driving Ascertia’s prominence in the country include our extensive global experience, tailored digital signature capabilities, robust PKI infrastructure, collaboration with government initiatives, and so much more. These attributes empower Malaysian companies to navigate the digital trust landscape with confidence and security, fostering a seamless and trustworthy digital ecosystem.
For more information about how Ascertia’s products and services can help meet your organisation’s requirements in Malaysia, please contact us.