Ascertia ADSS Server SAM Appliance

CREA plus are a value-added distributor in Eastern Europe, provides consulting, implementation and software development focused on IT security and related technologies. They also build and distribute the Ascertia ADSS SAM Appliance which is used by multiple TSPs to enable eIDAS certified Remote Signing.

Ascertia SigningHub

Ascertia’s market leading eSignature and document workflow approval platform that connects to numerous trust service providers and can be branded and deployed on-premise or used as a cloud service Partners can white label SigningHub and offer a custom platform in local regions.


A leading identity security services and digital signature solutions provider, previously known as LAWtrust, Altron Security resells the entire Ascertia portfolio to support AeSign eSignature projects and other key PKI projects, particularly strong in the banking, telco and government sectors.

DigiCert Document Signing Manager

An EU Qualified Trust Service Provider that enables electronic signatures, PKI and digital identity management solutions with a key focus on interoperability and Cloud Signature Consortium protocols that also connect to other e-signature platforms.

DS Invoice

Electronic invoice signing to get your business on the right track. Electronic invoicing became mandatory for public procurement, in accordance with the European Directive 2014/55/EU.

FAR – Firma con Autorización Remota

An experienced Chilean Trust Service Provider that enables electronic signatures using Clave Unica, PKI and digital identity management solutions, experienced with complex banking projects.


Helping organisations digitise business processes through trusted transactions while increasing value and efficiency in day-to-day business processes. eSign, storage and share every kind of document, anywhere and anytime, with the highest legal value according to eIDAS european regulations.


Located in Mexico, ISA specialises in integrating products and services to raise the productivity of its clients, backed by over 25 years of experience.


Developed by a consortium of Belgium’s leading banks and telecommunications companies to provide mobile driven digital identity and e-signing.

JCC Digital Trust Services

Offering Qualified electronic signatures and seals, this leading Cypriot organisation in the card-processing business with more than 25 years of experience and expertise.


An EU Qualified Trust Service Provider with expertise in working with Belgian National ID solutions to provide citizens with legally recognised identities and certificates that can be used in document signing.


Asia’s first public certification authority and Singapore’s only commercial accredited certificate authority provides businesses with identification and security infrastructure to enable secure electronic business.


Sayen digital signature service is driving digitisation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Users can manage documents and workflow through a digital signature that ensures non-repudiation, integrity, as well as data and approval authenticity. Sayen is licensed by the Communication and Information Technology Commission (CITC) and accredited by NCDC as a Digital Trust Services Provider.

SignIT Greece

Headquartered in Greece and active across Europe, ADACOM provides expert consulting and customised solutions in the cyber security space and resells the entire Ascertia portfolio to support eIDAS eSignature projects and other EU Qualified services.

Signerings Porten

For over 15 years, Commfides have assisted companies in the Nordic region with digital certificates. This e-signature service provides a user friendly digital signature environment.

SigningHub Portugal

SigningHub is a web application that implements a shared Workflow System, allowing the review, signature, approval and subsequent archiving of duly signed, dated (chronological stamp), safe and complete documents.

SigningHub South Africa

A leading identity security services and digital signature solutions provider, previously known as LAWtrust, Altron Security resells the entire Ascertia portfolio to support AeSign eSignature projects and other key PKI projects, particularly strong in the banking, telco and government sectors.


Contracting made easy with electronic signatures offered in the Georgian market.


TietoEVRY is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that will enable users to easily upload, send, review and securely e-sign documents, giving businesses streamlined processes, a significant reduction in sign-off time and full control over their signing workflows.


A licensed Certificate Authority, utilising Ascertia’s signing solution, effectively serving the Malaysian market with fully operable functions such as digital certificate issuing and certificate lifecycle management.


Leading e-signature platform specificlaly designed for the banking industry in Chile. IMERC OTC provides the financial market and regulatory agencies with an infrastructure including registration, confirmation and conciliation services.


The world’s most trusted Banks trust RapidLEI. The #1 issuer of LEI Codes is trusted by dozens of global banks to manage Legal Entity Identifiers for both group companies and clients.


An EU Qualified Trust Service Provider focused on providing citizens with a legally recognised identity and certificates that can be used in document signing, registration and authentication.