Government and Defence
Delivering digital security and assurance for e‑Government
Delivering digital security and assurance for e‑Government
Ascertia works with local, regional and central governments in the UK, European Union and across the world. Our commitment to interoperability, ease of integration and a flexible, customisable web interface ensures our solutions work seamlessly with e-Government software and infrastructures.
We are committed to providing compliant, high-security eSignatures, verifiable audit trails, workflow management and e-Government digitisation solutions. With the government’s long, complex approval processes, it’s important to be able to identify and verify signers, as well as their intent long after they signed.
Ascertia’s interoperability with other vendors, technologies and applications ensure smooth digital transformations, support sustainability initiatives and promote cost savings by reducing paper use and time to approval.
Ascertia is proud to be listed as a supplier on the G-Cloud 13 framework. Our products enable local and national governments to streamline document approval processes through high trust, secure eSignature solutions.
We work with Advice Cloud, a UK public setor secure framework expert, helping maximise the success of Ascertia products.
The results we’ve seen since we partnered with Ascertia are nothing less than quite amazing, because what we did together from 2014 up until (2019) was actually release an infrastructure for digital identities on the Swedish market and have it certified by the Swedish Government Now, given the sizes of our companies and what we’ve delivered to the market, I think that’s quite amazing.
Johan Henrikson